A Collection of Some of JPIL’s Favorite and Most Relevant Articles


Andrea J. Ritchie

Crimes Against Nature: Challenging Criminalization of Queerness and Black Women’s Sexuality

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Jeanne M. Woods

Emerging Paradigms of Protection for “Second-Generation” Human Rights

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Nikki Demetria Thanos

A Handbook for Social Justice Activists Taking on Law School

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Bud Welch

“I Don’t Want the Death Penalty for Timothy McVeigh!” A Father’s Struggle with the Death Penalty and the Oklahoma City Bombing

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Jeanne Woods & Sarah Lambert

The Collapse of Democracy: The Flint Water Crisis from a Human Rights Perspective

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William Quigley, Ben Cohen, Calvin Johnson

An Analysis of the Economic Cost of Maintaining A Capital Punishment System in the Pelican State

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William Quigley, Ben Cohen, Calvin Johnson

An Analysis of the Economic Cost of Maintaining a Capital Punishment System in the Pelican State

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Luz Molina, Andrea M. Agee, Erika A. Zucker

Vulnerabilities of Low-Wage Workers and Some Thoughts on Improving Workplace Protections

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David J. Carroll

Sounding Gideon’s Trumpet: The Right to Counsel Movement in Louisiana

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Bill Ong Hing

Reason Over Hysteria

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Eric Balaban

Shining a Light into Dark Corner's: A Practitioner’s Guide to Successful Advocacy to Curb Debtor’s Prisons

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William Quigley

Racism: The Crime in Criminal Justice

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Rochelle Bobroff

Section 1983 Preemption: Alternative Means of Court Access for Safety Net Statutes

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Leslie A. Shoebotham

Off the 4th Amendment Leash?: Law Enforcement Incentives to Use Unreliable Drug-Detection Dogs

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Darryl M. James

Reforming Prison Litigation Reform: Reclaiming Equal Access to Justice for Incarcerated Persons in America

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Mark C. Weber

Children With Disabilities in a Charter School-Dependent Educational System

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